Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Just eat the fucking dog already.

October 28, 2009

Panel 1:Coco the Hungry Raccoon had better watch out. That giant bullfrog is going to kick his ass if he finds out that Coco has been eating his children.

Panel 2:Maybe the gators will eat Sassy now? We can only hope.

October 27, 2009

Panel 1:That Bob, he's a smart one: getting one last pinch of his wife's smokin' ass before getting nabbed for poaching and tossed in the clink.

Panel 2:If you are a federally-protected bird of prey (like this Great Horned Owl) and the Jackelrod Sphere drives you into a state of boredom so deep your vital organs shut down and you die, are you a victim of poaching? I say yes, and somebody better get that owl a stimulant, stat!

October 26, 2009

Panel 1:Damn, looks like Sassy (or maybe it's just Sassy's head!) survived the fishing trip today.

Panel 2:Are you fucking kidding? Who kidnapped the Mark Trail we know and (sort of) like and replaced him with a sensible, non-vigilante, non-ass-kicking citizen?

Panel 3:Normal smoke today. That's reassuring.

October 24, 2009

Panel 1:At first, Mark's comment appears to be another senseless non sequitur dreamed up by the Jackelrod Sphere to fill space. I mean, when someone says something like, "No wonder you've succeeded at task X," they're usually a) surprised that you've succeeded, and b) identified what they perceive to be a reasonable explanation for that surprising success. In this case, it's no wonder that Mark is surprised that Rusty has been catching fish. Rusty, as we know, is no genius and its surprising when he does something as simple as closing the velcro on his shoes. Anyway, the question is, what has Mark identified as the explanation for Rusty's fishing success? Here it is: Sassy! More specifically, Rusty is using Sassy as bait. I mean, look at Rusty's fishing pole. There's something heavy on there. And why would Rusty say that he AND Sassy are having fun? Because Rusty tied a loop around Sassy's neck and finally putting that yappy sack of goo to good use: luring fish (and probably a few alligators) to Rusty's line. So, long story short, Mark is not blurting out non sequiturs today; his response is actually pretty reasonable given the circumstances.

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