Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I'm William Fucking Strunk, Yo.

November 6, 2009

Panel 1:I've got to hand it Mr. Longburns. That backwoods motherfucker is fast on his feet. Go back and look at yesterday's third panel. Sassy was hauling ass in the other direction, Longburns was a good ways back and, yet, he managed to nab the paunchy pig-creature. Clearly, he's pretty damn nimble for a middle-aged poacher.

Panel 2:On the other hand, he seems to have a disturbing affinity for dogs.

Panel 3:See Wednesday's panel 2, infra.

November 5, 2009

Panel 1:Mr. Longburns (I think that's whose talking here) is just a little too eager to grab Sassy "from behind."

Panel 2:Mmm, yes, because Sassy totally understood everything Bob and friends were talking that's believable!

November 4, 2009

Panel 1:Bob, Bob, Bob, you've just opened yourself up to a world of hurt. Mr. Longburns and Mr. Shortburns are, for sure, going to become suspicious of you now.

Panel 2:Not to be a usage stickler here, but you can, in fact, hurt the dog. I think you mean to say that you "shouldn't."

Panel 3:Yeah, Bob, if you can skin an alligator without retching, than feeding a hyena-pig to another alligator shouldn't be too troublesome.

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