Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Congratulations to the Buttockios!

I interrupt yet another extended interregnum to congratulate Ace Buttockio and Cherry Merkin on the birth of their baby son, Everhard Buttockio. The newest member of the Buttockio clan can be seen here, a few seconds before Ace wrestled him to the ground to change his diaper:


  1. Thanks Squid! Much excitement in the Buttockio household. After I got Everhard down on the ground and got a look in his diaper, all I could think was: "I can't believe it's not butter!"

  2. Woah! Woah! Woah! Now just hold on a rice-pickin' minute, 夢想 !

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    You've insulted my family sir, and I shan't stand for it! Nay, I daresay Mr. Vicious will have your comeuppance, you inscrutable bastard.

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    And the funny thing is, I agree. Though I am a bit troubled by the direction this blog is taking.
