Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Lost Forest of the Dead!

Earth Day 2009

Panel 1: You know what you're going to do Stringy? You're going to run like hell, 'cuz Zombie Elf is coming after you and he wants more brains.

Panel 2: No, that would be stupid. Instead, you should tie him up to the fantastic flock of the rare Inverse Mallard* and let them fly away with him.

Panel 3: Every time I read this panel (and I've read it at least six times), I keep seeing a "him" between "pack" and "up." I don't know if it's because the dialog works better that way or because the him in the second line is close. Nonetheless, I like the idea of stuffing the Elf into a suitcase and driving away with him in the trunk.

*Or, possibly, some sort of Mallard-Cayuga hybrid or some other variety of manky mallard.


  1. i had to read the last panel over too. it just sounds better to say, "pack him up". i don't know why.
