Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Fucking perverts (and I'm not talking about the people who find my site through Google)

February 25, 2009

Panel 1: So I was standing in the shower this morning thinking about Patty Frampton (wink, wink, nudge, nudge), when I suddenly realized that we haven't seen much of her this week. I quickly wrote it off as the Jackelrod Sphere's inability to show any emotion other than rage or soul-crushing apathy, and went back to "thinking" about Patty. Imagine my surprise, however, when I wandered downstairs to get the comics and found Patty Frampton staring at me from today's strip. Apparently, Patty hasn't been grieving for her lost love, she's been searching for him. Unfortunately, by internalizing her grief, she has driven herself insane and is now talking to herself while stumbling through the woods.

Panel 2: And now, we shall see Patty Frampton's grief suddenly turn to psychotic rage as she finds Buck enmeshed in the throes of homosexual ecstasy after finding another stag with whom to pursue his horn-locking antler-locking fetish. Of course, if Patty's as good a shot as Ken the Kung-Fu Master, Buck should be safe for the time being.


  1. When I first read MT this morning I thought about making a joke about gay deer, but then I was like "nah, Squid has got this one."

  2. That's a sad commentary on the state of our respective mentalities. Thanks, though, for ceding the moral low ground to me...

  3. Is anybody else having problems with the comments? How about receiving weird audio transmissions when hitting "Post."

  4. Yes, the comments have been all messed up for a few days. No audio transmissions here, yet. Just no-loads or weird pausing.

    This explains why it has taken me until now to point out that deer have antlers and not horns. Horns=permanent. Antlers=re-grow every year.

    And that was NO Bush-tit last week!

  5. Oh lord, I even know the difference. Changes made!

  6. If it wasn't a tufted titmouse, what was it?

  7. Perhaps a female rufous-sided towhee with a mohawk?
