Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Will the exclamations ever end?

February 24, 2009

Panel 1: Mr. HSD continues his psychokinetic rearranging in today's comic. Just yesterday, the file cabinets with books and book ends were against the wall behind his desk. Now, he's either moved his desk or he's moved the cabinets. This guy is amazing. I mean look at him. The only sign that he's under any exertion at all is that the hair on the side of his head is growing into the shape of a penis.

Panel 2: Mark continues to represent those good ol' fashioned family values of the 1950s. "What's that? Ken lost a bunch of money because of some poorly timed investments? Well no wonder he's upset! I can totally understand why he's beating his wife and shooting at deer!"

Panel 3: "I will indeed. I was going to pound the tar out of him, but now that I know he's got a good reason to beat his wife, I might just help out a little bit."

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