Friday, January 30, 2009


January 30, 2009

Panel 1: Are you fucking kidding me? “Look through this little window.” That’s how Mark explains how a camera works? I know, we’ve had plenty of evidence suggesting that Patty Frampton may be a couple of trees short of a forest (she is fraternizing with a deer and all that), but that doesn’t mean she’s not smarter than your average three-year old. On the other hand, perhaps this isn’t so much a statement about Patty’s relative intelligence as it is Mark’s. Look closely, and he’s pointing at the front of the camera. Anyone who takes pictures by looking through the “window” in the front of their camera, probably can’t distinguish between three-year olds and grown women.

Panel 2: Very perceptive, Ken. Looks like your plan to mark Patty as your private chattel by dressing the two of you in identical blue peacoats isn’t working out very well. Also, take a tip from Mr. Sartorial: most men try to pick ties that complement their shirts, not disappear into them.

Panel 3: Ooh, I like what that fist portends! We just might get to see Mark break out ye olde Right Fist o’ Justice! Of course, you almost can’t blame poor Ken the Kung-Fu Master for wanting to get all karate on someone. He doesn't know that Mark is a sexless plastic man and Mark (and his remarkably detailed buttocks) does appear to be engaged in some sort of nefarious threesome with Patty in the middle and Buck on the bottom.* Ken is probably wondering what sort of button Mark is asking Patty to push.

* And yes, I’m nearly as embarrassed about writing this, as I was about writing yesterday’s third-panel comment.

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